Online Discography

VOX Schallplatten- und Sprechmaschinen-Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin

Please note: This is a discographical catalog - items are NOT available for sale from us
Achtung: Dies ist eine Discographie - die Platten stehen NICHT zum Verkauf

On an experimental basis we herewith offer a label discography of the German Vox company. This is a preliminary and incomplete draft. If you can add, please get in touch. Among those who have provided information are the following: Renee Aagard (Denmark), Gerd Ahlers (Berlin), Per Backman (Schweden), Atis Bertins (Lettland), Rinus Blijleven (Amstelveen), Ralf Bönschen (Dortmund), James Brown (Internet), Jan Bus (Internet), Heinz Büttner (Köln), Deutsches Musikarchiv (Berlin), Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv (Frankfurt am Main), Bernd Dickmann (Berlin), Matts Elfström (Aby), Björn Englund (Stockholm), Eng Bo Kho (Amsterdam), Jaap Erkelens (Hilversum), Joachim Freese (Pfalz), Claus Peter Gallenmiller (München), Dirk Gebhardt (Halle), Thomas Glaser (Töging), Ludwig Glock (Bonn), Gabriel Gössel (Prag), Günther Grunow (Radebeul), Terje Haugland (Ytre Arna), Benno Häupl (Riga); Sascha Hawranke (Berlin), Jiri Hauser (Brno), Richard Herfeld (Deutschland), Wolfgang Hirschenberger (Wien), Klaus Hohn (Nürnberg), Tomas Holländer (Düsseldorf), Notker Homburger (Konstanz), Wolfdieter Jordan (Hamburg), Terry King (Jamaica Plain), Elsebeth Kirring (Aarhus), Bernard Kleikamp (Niederlande), Jan Kniesmeijer (Amersfoort), Klaus Krüger (Dietramszell), Willi Kyburz (Basel), Ross Laird (Canberra), Egbert Liebold (Erfurt), Ian R. Lilburn (London), Bernd Loew (Frankfurt am Main), Frank Lotz (Bonn), Anna-Ruth Löwenbrück (Laupheim), Larry Lustig (Broomfield),  William Main (Wellington), Roberto Marcocci (Pisa), Dimitri Marheineke (Emmerich), Kevork Marouchian (München), Dave Mason (London), Söhnke Milbrath (Zell im Wiesental), John Milmo (London), Robert Masopust (Basel), Jindrich Meszner (Prag), Bernd Meyer-Rähnitz (Dresden), Georg Moll (Roesoll), Jan Onderwater (Amsterdam), Ton op de Weegh (Doorwerth), Henner Pfau (Leverkusen), Enrico Pigorsch (Dresden), Ben Poelman (Oegstgeest), Hans-Jürgen von Raesfeld  (Kelkheim), Sven Richter (Schopp), Walter Roller (Frankfurt am Main), Herr von Rühling (Frankfurt am Main), Peter Sardoc (Aachen), Andreas Schmauder (Horben), Markus Schmeer (Berlin), Walter Schwanzer (Österreich), Yury Shmirkow (Moscow), Steve Smolian (Clarksburg), Paul Sonntag (Bonn), Uwe Steinle (Affalterbach), Paul Steinson (Rochester,Kent), Stefan Streif (Berlin), Hugo Strötbaum (Utrecht), Georg Schwarz (Dresden), Tom Stphenson (London), Futoshi Takei (Saitama), Wilhelm Tartler (Nürnberg), Henning Vagn Trab (Kopenhagen), Peter Tschupp (Yverdon-les-Bains), Herman Ujlenbroek (Niederlande), Ate van Delden (Apeldoorn), Jens Uwe Völmecke (Remscheid), Joachim Wacker (Berlin), Armin Waschke (Köniz), Axel Weggen (Düsseldorf), Manfred Weihermüller (Bonn), Wilfried Witczak (Berlin), Hans-Peter Woessner (Zürich), Antje Wulff (Wuppertal), Oliver Wurl (Berlin), Stefan Wuttke (Berlin), Christian Zwarg (Berlin).

Vox Firmengeschichte/Vox company history (Originally published in Der Schalltrichter, Nr.19, Mai 2002, pp.1-7).

The following master discography was originally compiled by Rainer E. Lotz as a downloadable htm.file. Claus Peter Gallenmiller developed a data base for the Vox complete numerical listing (pdf.files).
Vox complete numerical listing (pdf.files):

Sorted by artist (Vox-Künstlerdiscographie)

Sorted by catalog numbers (Vox-Firmendiscographie)

Sorted by Matrix numbers (Vox-Aufnahmebuch)

Sperling-SP-Series: Sprachkurse/Language Instruction Records

Audio-Vox Sprachinstitut 25000-Series: Sprachkurse/Language Instruction Records

Around 1926/27 the Vox company also briefly marketed cheap unbreakable discs, bearing the rubber stamp information: "Pat. Syst. Kalophon-Record A.-G. Zürich"

Please note that the distinction between A- and B-sides is fictional - the actual records bear no side identifications. Further explanations:

M = Musik, music or composer
T = Text , lyrics or lyricist
NE followed by month/ and year = Neuerscheinung, date of first release
K = Katalog, catalog in which the item was listed

Prefix "0"     (catalog number) = denotes a 30cm disc, sometimes an asterix "*" is used instead
Suffix "-A"   (matrix number) = denotes a 30cm acoustic recording, not a take
Suffix "-AA" (matrix number) = denotes a 30cm electric recording, not a take
Suffix "-B"    (matrix number) = denotes a 25cm acoustic recording, not a take
Suffix "-BB" (matrix number) = denotes a 25cm electric recording, not a take
Suffix "-C"   (matrix number) = denotes a 30cm acoustic recording, not a take
Suffix "-D"   (matrix number) = denotes a 25cm acoustic recording, not a take
Suffix "-E"   (matrix number) = denotes a 15cm acoustic recording, not a take
Suffix "-F"   (matrix number) = denotes a 30cm electric recording, not a take
Suffix "-G"   (matrix number) = denotes a 25cm electric recording, not a take
Suffix "-Z"   (matrix number) = denotes a 15cm acoustic recording, not a take

Prefix "K-"  (matrix number) = denotes a 15cm acoustic recording


The first take is identified by a plain matrix number
The second take is identified by "-1", or sometimes "-½"
The third take is identified by "-2", and so on

Vox Privat-Aufnahme

Vox Pasteover Vox Pasteover-2
  The Turk's Voice Wennex


If you have additions or corrections: Please contact us by e-mail: Rainer Lotz

UPDATE: 2021-04-14

Links Top Order form

Rainer E. Lotz
Rotdornweg 81
53177 Bonn, Germany

Phone(International): +49-228-352808 / Phone(National): 0228-352808
Fax    (International): +49-228-365142 / Fax    (National): 0228-365142
E-Mail: Rainer Lotz

Letzte Aktualisierung: 19-12-2011